How IPL Can Help Your Skin
Intensive Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment is a completely low-risk, non-invasive way to correct skin issues. When performed by a specialist like our dermatologist in Bala Cynwyd, IPL treatments can correct a variety of issues like sun damage, age spots and wrinkles, rosacea, melasma, broken blood vessels, and more. If your goal is an even skin tone and a more youthful appearance, you’ll want to learn more about IPL Treatments in Bala Cynwyd.
What Is IPL Treatment?
IPL uses high-intensity pulses of light that are converted to heat energy. Since this is a non-ablative technique, that means the heat energy will target the lower layers of the skin without affecting the top layers of your skin to target your pigmentation and skin cells. When your skin cells are damaged, they produce more collagen, which evens out your skin tone.

What To Expect with Your IPL Treatment
Before you start your treatment series, you and your Bala Dermatology specialist should establish expectations. There are many factors that could affect the outcome of your IPL treatments, such as skin color, health history, and the equipment your specialist is using. Setting these expectations will give you a clear, achievable goal to strive for throughout your treatment series.
Our Bala Cynwyd IPL Treatment sessions may last between 20–30 minutes with sessions every 8 weeks, depending on what your specialist recommends. Your session will start with a cooling agent to your face and protective eyewear. After your session, it is common to feel you have a sunburn with side effects like redness, peeling, and swelling. This could last a few days, but if you are feeling concerned about any side effects, your dermatologist at Bala Dermatology is here for you!
Get a Customized Treatment Plan!
Get rid of unwanted spots and wrinkles! Get a customized treatment plan to suit your personal skin issues by calling to schedule a consultation with a dermatologist at Bala Dermatology for your IPL treatment in Bala Cynwyd!